Southern Districts Senior Citizens Centre
1 Jemerson St, Willagee (Cnr of North Lake Rd and Archibald St)
9:30am and 4:00pm every Sunday

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.” Deut 16:17

God speaks about the principles of giving freely in every area of our lives and this includes our finances. It is something God expects of all believers, just as He has given us all things. However, giving is a personal matter between you and God, which should be done with a cheerful and willing mindset. Please prayerfully, intentionally and responsibly consider the offerings you give, according to your personal conviction and to the measure of your financial capacity.

Funds donated to FRC Melville are used for church development and to support outreach work in our local community. If you wish to give financially to this ongoing work at FRC Melville, the simplest way is an EFT transfer to the bank details below.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB: 066-103

Account: 103-339-41

If you wish to discuss any issues with the giving process, please contact our treasurer at

We sincerely appreciate all donations to God’s kingdom work. Please be aware that your donations can remain anonymous. Our church will continue to love and support every person who wants to be part of our community without regard to whether they give or not and how much they give.